arts & events

Virtual Events Archive

Explore a wide array of recorded events from years past to learn and grow.


Peace Fest Panel

2021 Peace Fest’s month-long series of events celebrating the International Day of Peace will culminate with a free virtual event on Wednesday, October 13th from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm on Zoom. This event will feature a diverse panel leading an interactive discussion, we will share a short film about the Greenstitch Climate Action mural, and we will consider going forward beyond the pandemic, and what the idea of PEACE means for us personally, in our community, and as global residents. Please join us. Looking forward to celebrating peace with everyone!

Greenstich Climate Action Mural

On Sunday, September 26, 1 – 4:00 pm, the Community Center NextGen Climate Interns are celebrating the completion of the Greenstich Climate Action Mural.* There will be music by: Sadie Kyburg and Sophia Nowlen, Boys and Berries with Kat Wethington and Tealy Gapinski, and more. Also, there will be tours of the mural and mural video viewing, networking of local climate organizations, refreshments and a silk screen station.

Exploring the World of Caves

Join emeritus caver Frank Binney for a fascinating talk on the science and adventure of exploring one of the Earth’s last frontiers. Caves represent one of the Earth’s final frontiers, where it is still possible to explore where no human has been before. And to discover lifeforms unknown to science.

Coast Miwok Panel Discussion

Join members of the Coast Miwok Tribal Council of Marin for a panel discussion around their heritage, history, and current projects!

The tribal council consists of documented descendants of the Coast Miwok people of Marin County, with roots in Marin that extend back thousands of years. In addition to advocacy efforts, the council is dedicated to sharing their culture and history, and presents with organizations across the county. Later on in the program, audience members are welcome to ask questions and engage in dialogue with the council. Recently, members of the council visited the Lagunitas School District (over Zoom) for a presentation for students from all grades. This Sunday’s event is geared towards adults, but open to people of all ages.

Narrated by Owen Clapp: Community Center Board Member, San Geronimo Valley Affordable Housing Association staff, Founder of San Geronimo Valley Historical Society, Lagunitas School District employee, writer, musician and all around great SGV neighbor.

Community Conversations

Please join us in forging a more inclusive community! ZOOM in on May 5th at 6 pm for Community Conversations, an event geared towards making our San Geronimo Valley and Nicasio communities more inclusive and connected. During this community conversation, you will be able to connect with your neighbors and other community members, discussing how we can build and strengthen our community bonds and increase inclusivity. This is the last in a series of four community conversations across West Marin.

Kate's Café

Kate's Cafe September 27, 2024

San Geronimo Valley Community Center's Kate's Cafe on September 27, 2024.

Kate’s Café: Special 50th Anniversary Event

This month’s Kate’s Cafe features special performances from parents, alumni, students and teachers as part of the 50th Anniversary Open Classroom Celebration. The event will occur in person at the Community Center.

For more information or to share your passion in this virtual open mic event, please contact Juliette at Kate’s Cafe happens on the Fourth Friday of every month.

Lunch & Listen

Wendy DeWitt and Kirk Harwood

Wednesday, May 5th, 2021 at noon is a super springtime Intergenerational Lunch and Listen! We will be hosting a fun musical hour with pianist-vocalist Wendy De Witt and percussionist Kirk Harwood playing boogie woogie and blues! You will find out why Wendy and Kirk have garnered national and International attention. This powerhouse duo are two-time regional winners and International Blues Challenge Finalists. Join Bread & Roses along with your community for an hour of live music and singing. Bring your lunch, invite your friend, and get a chance to talk to these fabulous performers while they entertain.

Kyle Alden

Join us next Wednesday, April 7th, 2021, for a very fun Intergenerational Lunch and Listen! This month we will be enjoying a great set with award-winning singer/songwriter and folk musician Kyle Alden. Kyle has been writing and performing on stages throughout the Bay Area, Ireland, the legendary Mabuhay Gardens in San Francisco and the old Sleeping Lady in Fairfax, with a roots-based acoustic palette. Kyle’s third CD, Songs From Yeats’ Bee-Loud Glade is a collection of original folk songs inspired by the poems of W. B. Yeats has received worldwide radio airplay.

Sterling’s Bubbles

Looking forward to a wonderful, intergenerational, super fun, bubbly Lunch & Listen on Wednesday, March 3, 2021, at noon! If you have ever seen Sterling’s Bubbles, you know how magical this will be. And if you have not, you’re in for a very sweet Lunch & Listen. All ages! Free! And sure to be the best lunchtime visuals set to music. After the bubble performance, everyone is invited to stay and talk with Sterling and ask him questions. Come one, come all! Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021 at noon! Please click here to register for this bubble-filled event.

Steve Coyle

Steve Coyle is a folk/acoustic singer-songwriter/guitarist who plays Americana originals and standards. He was the former frontman of the nationally touring, whizz-bang string band The Waybacks!

Noctambule: Marla Fibish and Bruce Victor

Bruce and Marla will take you on a journey, bringing poetry to life with lush beauty, sensitivity and humor. Their love of traditional Irish music will shine through their instruments with guitars, mandola, mandolin, bouzouki, cittern, along with their beautifully crafted songs and voices.

Sunday Art Salon

Jackie Kirk Retrospective

The San Geronimo Valley Community Center continues its Virtual Artist Salon series on Sunday, September 19th from 5:00 – 6:00 pm with a virtual tour of the Jackie Kirk Memorial art exhibit. Jackie  Kirk (1929-2021)was probably best known for her innovative “Face of AIDS”—a series of portraits of people with AIDS or HIV paired with self-portraits of the artist. The series was the subject of a one-woman exhibition at the Achenbach Foundation for the Graphic Arts at the Palace of the Legion of Honor in San Francisco and Duke University Museum. Jackie’s daughter, Bobbi Wilson, serves as host in a short video of the exhibit currently on display in the Maurice Del Mue Galleries of the Community Center (the first in-person exhibit presented by the Center in over a year!)

The Jackie Kirk Memorial Exhibit has been extended to Sept. 24th and can be viewed at the Center Tuesdays through Thursdays, 12:00 – 5:00 pm.  We hope that Sunday’s virtual tour will serve as a further inducement to those who are interested in seeing the show and an opportunity—at least a virtual glimpse—for those who can’t visit the galleries in person.

Virtual Artist Salon with Anne Pennypacker

The San Geronimo Valley Community Center continues its Virtual Artist Salon series with a studio visit with Anne Pennypacker.

Anne grew up in the San Geronimo Valley. She is a designer, photographer, graphic artist, painter and the Founder and Sole Proprietor of Anne Pennypacker’s RYPE Ideas.   She received her BA in Art History at UCLA with additional art classes at the California College of the Arts, College of Marin and a certificate Graphic Design program Santa Rosa Junior College.  Aside from numerous shows at the Community Center, Anne has exhibited at the Sebastopol Art Center, Marin MOCA, the Falkirk Fall Juried exhibit, O’Hanlon Art Center, Artworks Downtown and other venues.  Anne will present her work in photography, oils, acrylics, watercolors and touch upon the topic of self-publishing with a preview of her book in progress.

SEA – EARTH DAY 2021 with Richard and Judith Lang

“The river is within us, the sea is all about us…” says T.S. Eliot in the Four Quartets. The inner waters of our souls are as vital as the water of the planet. By allowing the creative flow-paying attention to the “small voices” artists nourish and replenish the inner waters. If we’re lucky, the work we do goes deep enough to touch the common aquifer and add to the spring.

When we gazed upon those first photographs of earth transmitted back from space, we wondered why the planet was ever named EARTH. Given the land-to-ocean ratio we thought it far better to call the place SEA.  

Seventy percent of our planet’s surface is covered with ocean with depths that scale far deeper than the height of Mt Everest. It is a vast frontier. Ocean currents are the pulse blood driving the winds and the weather. Nutrient rich upwellings and estuaries produce equivalents to agricultural zones. Yet, sadly, each year, three times as much trash ends up in the world’s oceans as the weight of fish caught. In the United States, an estimated 29 million tons of plastic is thrown away annually and since only a small percentage is recycled, much goes to the landfill and much goes to the oceans.

Since 1999 Richard Lang and Judith Lang, as a collaborative team, have been visiting Kehoe Beach, Point Reyes National Seashore in Northern California. They have rambled 1000 meters of tideline of this one beach hundreds of times to gather plastic debris washing out of the Pacific Ocean and from this one beach have collected over two tons of material. By carefully collecting and “curating” the bits of plastic, they fashion it into works of art that matter-of-factly show, with minimal artifice, the material as it is.

The Tree of Life: Contemporary Majolica Ceramic Artwork by Liz Lauter

The San Geronimo Valley Community Center’s 3rd Virtual Sunday Artist Salon is very pleased to present The Tree of Life: Contemporary Majolica Ceramic Artwork by Liz Lauter. Join Liz for a live studio visit at her ceramics studio in Forest Knolls. You’ll see her gallery of colorful hand painted majolica tree of life candelabras, menorahs, sculptures and wares, all meticulously hand painted and hand built. She’ll share what inspires and influences her work and she’ll share her unique processes for building her pieces and decorating them. Time included for questions! Zoom will be sent out and available on this page next week. Come spend an hour with Liz in her studio.

Special Events

Artists In The Valley Panel Discussion

Artists In The Valley Panel Discussion on May 25, 2024.

In conjunction with the San Geronimo Valley Historical Society’s Oral History Project and Spring Art Show a special panel discussion featuring four celebrated artists sharing perspectives on making art in the Valley. Panelists include: Judith Selby Lang, Richard Lang, Anne Faught, and Marty Meade. Moderated by Larry Rippee, Visual Arts Coordinator

David Hume Kennerly: Transitions of Power

A very special event! Join the San Geronimo Valley Community Center for an incredible evening with Pulitzer Prize winner and former chief White House photographer David Hume Kennerly. David showed photos and talked about “Transitions of Power: Inaugurations from Washington to Biden.” He discussed how our normally peaceful process was disrupted on Jan. 6, 2021. This exhibition includes photos by Kennerly from Nixon to Biden. This was a free event, but we encourage participants to donate. Help us keep events like these and our community-centric programs thriving!

St. Patrick’s Day Youth Talent Show

Join us for the St. Patrick’s Day Talent Show and Virtual Be-In! For 31 years, the St. Patrick’s Day Talent Show has been a cornerstone event in our community. An amazing sharing of local youth talent and a wonderful fundraising event for scholarships for our youth programs. This tradition will continue in this pandemic year on Saturday, March 20, 2021, from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm on ZOOM! This virtual Community Center event will once again be MC’d by Jasper Thelin and Alexander McQuilkin. Join in on the community fun!

8th Annual Peace Festival

The San Geronimo Valley Community Center presents the 8th Annual Peace Fest – PEACE IN THE VALLEY! For the 8th year running, the San Geronimo Valley Community Center in partnership with students and educators from the Lagunitas School District, are celebrating the United Nations’ International Peace Day, recognized world wide on Wednesday September 21, 2022.

With a month of both in person and virtual events our community reflects on this year’s theme: “End racism. Build peace.” Our Community joins the efforts of the United Nations as we work towards a world free of racism and racial discrimination. A world where compassion and empathy overcome suspicion and hatred. A world that we can truly be proud of.